We posted earlier about what it takes to become a driving instructors Brisbane. If you are considering this career you surely have heard how adverts are touting the perspective of being a driving instructors Brisbane. Be your own boss! Choose your working hours! Enjoy lots of cash in your pocket! Some adverts go as far as naming a driving instructors Brisbane profession as recession proof…
Many of advantages to being a driving instructors Brisbane are not necessarily just a sales pitch, but if you have made up your mind to take the plunge, make sure you do so with your eyes open. This post is a must read for those who are serious about embarking on driving instructors Brisbane career. So here are four things you have to know about your future business.
1. Watch Your Expenses
Throughout your training process you will have to pay for a lot of things. First, you will need to buy all your training materials for theory test. The costs greatly vary depending on what you choose. Then, there is a $90 fee for the Part 1 test. Be aware, if you fail, this fee will be payable again to allow you a second attempt. As you move on to your driving training, your expenses surge with most trainers charging from $25 to $40 per hour. A total will depend on how much training you need. Here comes your Part 2 test and before taking it you will part company with $110 in a fee, payable again if you screw up your first attempt. Your expenses, however, don’t stop when you pass the Part 2. Now you can apply for your PDI licence, costing you about $140. To be fully trained for the Part 3 instructional test, you will have to find a reputable ADI trainer who may charge over $30 per hour. This is the hardest part of the whole training process and you will need a minimum of 60 hours. And again you will be charged a $110 fee for each attempt at Part 3 test. Fresh off your successful ADI exams, you will have to apply to join the register as an ADI and obtain your ADI licence. This will add another $300 on your expenses list.
2. Rigors of Being Self-employed
Be your own boss! Sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, if you can do without your job security and steady income, it does. Compared to employees, the self-employed have no guarantees whatsoever whether they can make money on their own. Your income will entirely depend on how many pupils you can steal from your competitors. Don’t forget being self-employed means dealing with your tax and insurance issues yourself.
3. Throat-cutting competition
Running your own business has never been easy. And with credit crunch gripping the economy, competition has turned into the battle of life. If somebody on the telly tells you there is a shortage of driving instructors Brisbane’s and swelling crowd of learners, don’t jump at it. Here is more news for you. According to official statistics, as of 2 September this year, there are 45,371 approved driving instructors Brisbane’s and 6,910 trainee licence holders. Some adverts say: “A million of people learn to drive every year”. And now let’s do a simple math. If there are 52,281 ADIs on the market, it makes roughly 19 pupils per each every year.
4. Passing Test Is Not Easy
And now comes the big news. Official data says less than 10 percent of those embarking on ADI training process actually become driving instructors Brisbane’s. 50 percent of those quit within the first 18 months. Check below pass rates for ADI qualifying exams in 2006/2007:
The Part 1 Test: 49%
The Part 2 Test: 45%
Test of instructional ability (Part 3): 28%
We didn’t mean to scary you away, but a person who is considering a driving instructors Brisbane career must know about the realities of his business before taking the plunge. There are no easy ways to earn money these days and being a driving instructors Brisbane is not an exception.